
This is an experimental prototype and a blue print for an app that is meant to be used together with climate services. The data presented may be subject to errors and this exploration tool is mean to experimental purposes rather than an official data site. We have tried to design this app in a clever way so that it is smart enough to analyse netCDF files containing the station data and use that information for its menus and set-up. It also is designed to be as fast as flexible as possible by only reading the data it needs for the visualisation - to minimize the memory requirements. The summary statistics have allready been pre-calulated and are stored in the netCDF files together with the data. It has also been designed to allow for mltiple languages.

The main 'engine' behind this app is the 'esd' R-package, avalable from github.com/metno/esd . The source code for this app is available from github.com/metno/OpenClimateData


The data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute are available from http://thredds.met.no/thredds/catalog/metusers/rasmusb/catalog.html

Precipitation statistics

The statistics presented on precipitation (e.g. variance, return-value) are crude estiamtes based on Benestad et al. (2019; DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab2bb2) and the IDF estimates are based on Benestad et al. (2021; DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abd4ab) which are two open-access papers

Help, tips and assistance

We have used a wiki-page to help you to install this prototype and to provide more information about it. Please use the 'Issues' page if you have any problem that is not described on he wiki-page

Comments and feedbacks

Do you have any comments or feedbacks? If so, please post an isssue on GitHub